Friday 13 April 2018

Taxas forex bec

Geld verdienen conheceu forex trading (forex artikelen, forex broker comentários, forex strategie)

Bij forex trading (Wat é forex?) Portugais do worden valuta aangeduid met een drieletterige afkorting. Deze valutacodes zijn gebaseerd op de internationale norma ISO 4217. A página de perguntas e respostas foi feita por hunter betekenis.

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Zelf geld verdienen met vreemde valuta's.

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Overige munteenheden.

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Zoeken em Forex Coach.

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De handel em vreemde valuta é inerente risicovol. Met forex trading kan men em korte tijd veel geld verdienen de veel geld verliezen. De acordo com o site, o site deve estar pronto para ser encontrado em um site que contenha informações atualizadas sobre o assunto. Door het niet geschikt voor iedereen é um produto de alta qualidade. Wie twijfelt of valutahandel geschikt voor hem é, no entanto, deve ser consultado por um consultor financeiro.

Forex Coach é um site de informação sobre Forex / moedas / moeda de valor. Wij doen ons best om precisas en betrouwbare informatie te gève, maar wij verstrekken geen beleggingsadvies of ander financieel advies. Todos os dados do site devem estar de acordo com as informações contidas no site do desenvolvedor do site; noch Forex Coach, noch haar eigenaar (s) en / de medewerker (s) kunnen aansprakelijk worden gestor voor de resultaten daarvan. Forexcoach. nl é explicitamente gerido em Nederlandse markt, e de informações geográficas é niet van toepassing op Belgische particulieren.

Estrategia Forex.

Corretores de Forex.

Forex Trading.

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Copyright © 2009-2015: Treinador de Forex | Geld verdienen conheceu beleggen em forex.

Pagina inicial.

Dentro da nossa divisão de varejo, nos especializamos em transferências globais de dinheiro e câmbio de moeda estrangeira para clientes corporativos e individuais. Oferecemos uma ampla variedade de opções de pagamento rápidas, seguras e confiáveis ​​em todo o mundo para transferir dinheiro diretamente para contas de beneficiários em todo o mundo. Também fornecemos taxas extremamente competitivas em moedas estrangeiras.

Oferecemos serviços de divisas líderes no mercado para grandes empresas, incluindo grandes bancos, corretores individuais e instituições financeiras líderes.

Nosso foco é fornecer um serviço integral completo específico do cliente, criando uma ponte global para as necessidades de notas bancárias da organização. Com mesas de operação baseadas na Índia, Bahrein e Reino Unido, oferecemos aos nossos clientes um serviço confiável e competitivo 7 dias por semana, com um centro de negociação sempre aberto quando o outro está fechado.

Operamos 5 empresas de transferência de dinheiro e câmbio em todo o Bahrein, Kuwait, Reino Unido, Índia e Malásia, mantendo uma rede de mais de 120 agências de varejo. Através do nosso próprio produto de transferência de dinheiro - EzRemit, nossa presença é estendida para mais de 30 países, com mais de 46.000 agências.

Em outubro de 2016, o BFC Bank recebeu autorização da Autoridade de Regulamentação Prudencial (PRA) e da Autoridade de Conduta Financeira (FCA) no Reino Unido para obter uma licença bancária. A entidade do Grupo BFC oferecerá produtos bancários corporativos básicos de baixo custo para Pequenas e Médias Empresas (SMEs) e Provedores de Serviços de Pagamento (PSPs) com forte ênfase em transações internacionais e gerenciamento de numerário em moeda, bem como pagamentos domésticos no Reino Unido. .

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Histórias de estoque criadas por membros do ValuePickr. As histórias usam um modelo holístico e têm a intenção de fornecer uma compreensão rápida do negócio em 10 minutos.



A Muthoot Capital Services Ltd., promovida pelo Muthoot Pappachan Group, é um depósito que recebe a Non Finance Banking Finance Company (NBFC) registrada no Reserve Bank of India e listada na Bolsa de Valores de Bombaim.

Fundada em 1994, a Muthoot Capital Services Ltd oferece empréstimos de veículos & # 8211; principalmente 2 wheeler e 3 wheeler empréstimos.

Principais Produtos / Segmentos.

Rede de Agências do Grupo: 3800 Agências Fincorp - atualmente como pontos de cobrança em dinheiro Rede de Operações: 29 Centros; 8 propriedades próprias da MCS e 21 instalações compartilhadas com os Pontos de Revendedor da Fincorp: & # 8211; Comissão de 1200 @ 2-3%; Normalmente 1 Customer Sales Executive (CSE) nas concessionárias Desembolsos Concentração 9mFY14 (FY13): Kerala 54% (60%), Tamilnadu 15% (14%), Andhra Pradesh 10% (9%), Karnataka 16% (13), Goa 0,6% (0,6%), Gujarat 2% (1,5%), Mahrashtra 2% (1,5%) Base de clientes do grupo:

3,2 milhões de clientes Fincorp; Não há muito cross-selling ativo no momento devido à ausência de banco de dados unificado. (disponibilidade prevista para o ano fiscal de 2015)

Principais Mercados / Clientes.

Forte presença de Kerala em todo o estado & # 8211; 20-25% de market share. Compete fortemente com o IndusInd Bank e o HDFC Bank. Não # 2 em Kerala apenas atrás do IndusInd Bank. Mercado total de Kerala.

40.000 veículos financiados por mês. Os ramos da Muthoot Fincorp em Kerala são praticamente todos aproveitados pelo MCS. A Fincorp tem 900 filiais em TN e cerca de 600-700 filiais em AP e KN, o que deixa muito espaço para alavancar. Presença nascente em Tamilnadu, Karnantaka, Andhra Pradesh (fortaleza histórica da Shriram City Union Finance?). Esses 3 estados são tradicionalmente grandes mercados para financiamento de 2Wh. A empresa planeja aumentar as vendas substancialmente alavancando a força existente no ramo Fincorp (sem incorrer em custos fixos) & # 8211; o que é bastante entrincheirado nestes 3 estados.

Pontos de vista otimistas.

Fonte: Empresa, Relatórios Anuais.

Alto Crescimento & # 8211; Os ganhos cresceram a um impressionante CAGR de 50% nos últimos 3 anos, ao lado apenas do Bajaj Finance & # 8211; embora em uma base muito menor. Há um enorme espaço para crescer - desde que as restrições de financiamento sejam adequadamente abordadas. Maior rendimento e & amp; Margens na Indústria & # 8211; Novamente, apesar de uma tendência de queda, Margens (14,69%) e Yields (27,4%) para 9mFY14 são as mais altas do setor, embora em uma base muito menor em comparação com concorrentes maiores. Maior Lucratividade na Indústria & # 8211; Mesmo com uma tendência de rentabilidade decrescente nos últimos anos, o MCS RoA, com 3,89% (9mFY14), é o mais alto do setor. Com as etapas que o gerenciamento vem tomando, o RoA parece pronto para melhorar em curto e médio prazo. Política de crédito rigorosa & # 8211; De acordo com a Administração, a principal razão para sua forte exibição e os baixos NPAs é uma aderência muito rígida à política de crédito robusta e detalhada estabelecida pela empresa & # 8211; cobertura extensiva de diferentes modelos e diferentes segmentos de clientes (financiamento assalariado, baseado em renda, Asset-Based ou NO docs com pagamentos mais altos). Diferentes níveis de empréstimo a valor (LTV) se aplicam a diferentes segmentos de clientes. 85% dos empréstimos apoiados pela casa própria & # 8221; documentos & # 8211; Isto é provavelmente único para o Cap Muthoot que 80-85% dos seus desembolsos seguem o modelo de financiamento de vendas & # 8211; Empréstimo para pessoas com prova de documento próprio & # 8211; ou o mutuário ou o fiador (geralmente parente próximo). Isso ajuda a empresa no processo de coleta / recuperação & # 8211; como o mutuário está relutante em correr o risco de vinculação de propriedade em caso de inadimplência & # 8211; especialmente para pequenos montantes de empréstimo & lt; Rs 40.000. NPAs mais baixos na indústria & # 8211; Os NPAs brutos em 1,68% são os menores do setor de autofinanciamento. Todos os financiadores de autopeças, incluindo a Bajaj Finance, têm assistido a um surto nos NPAs nos últimos trimestres. O MCS tem administrado a situação do NPA admiravelmente. Executivos da coleção estão focados em derrubar o.

15,75% de NPAs diminuíram substancialmente até 31 de março de 2014 ou, NPAs brutos para & lt; 1,5% ou menos. A Alta Administração está focada em monitorar de perto as A / C estressadas (que provavelmente se tornarão NPAs) e as Coleções diariamente. Foco extremo na recuperação de write-offs & # 8211; O MCS é mais uma vez provavelmente único em seu foco de tentar garantir a recuperação de cada rupia que é baixada. Pós Arbitragem (a empresa nomeou árbitros) 3-4% dos casos são retomados e vendidos. Os processos são arquivados e, na devida altura, a empresa está confiante em recuperar os montantes dos empréstimos devidos, juntamente com os custos e encargos legais. Grandes melhorias de produtividade provavelmente no FY15 & amp; FY16 e # 8211; Com a automação em toda a empresa sendo introduzida e os benchmarks do Centro de lucro sendo estabelecidos, a empresa está embarcando em um exercício de orçamento vinculado à produtividade a partir do EF15. A gerência opina que isso ajudará a empresa a monitorar as receitas e despesas de forma mais granular e modificar políticas para obter a melhor produtividade & # 8211; localização sábia e em equipe. Venda cruzada dentro da base de clientes da Fincorp & # 8211; A Fincorp tem uma base de clientes superior a 3,2 milhões de clientes atualmente. A venda cruzada efetiva pode se tornar possível quando o banco de dados do grupo Fincorp estiver disponível (pós-automação) no EF15 e puder fornecer um impulso para o crescimento das Vendas. Avaliações atraentes & # 8211; O MCS está atualmente (CMP 87) negociando com desconto para a Book e.

4,5x PE com um rendimento de dividendos de 4,8% & # 8211; que parece razoavelmente atraente.

Pontos de vista de baixa.

Tendência de rentabilidade em declínio & # 8211; Enquanto as vendas de 5 anos ou o CAGR de lucro podem parecer saudáveis, e as vendas de 2014 podem registrar um crescimento de 40% +, o PAT de 2014 provavelmente registrará um crescimento lento ou negativo. Return on Assets (RoA) tem consistentemente diminuído e reduzido para metade.

Níveis de 9% 5 anos atrás. Gargalo de Produtividade do Empregado & # 8211; Se examinarmos as razões, o que acontece imediatamente é o quase.

Queda de 3 a 5 vezes nas Vendas e Rentabilidade por empregado. A situação se acentuou em duas frentes. Primeiro, os desembolsos não acompanharam o recrutamento, levando à subutilização. Empresa estava fazendo.

O desembolso de 60 Cr até março de 2013, mas no 9M14, conseguiu apenas desembolsar.

400 Cr. Em segundo lugar, há uma enorme duplicação de trabalho de entrada de dados baseado em excel entre os Hubs de Operação e o Back-Office, na ausência de automação em toda a empresa. A empresa tem conhecimento da segunda frente e tem trabalhado para introduzir o Sistema de Originação de Empréstimos totalmente automatizado cobrindo os processos de Vendas, Operações e Crédito a partir de abril de 2014 - planejado para estar totalmente operacional até o final do T1AF14. Atraso no financiamento do Banco & # 8211; Os desembolsos foram prejudicados pela disponibilidade de financiamento atrasada dos bancos. Normalmente, os limites bancários são aprimorados com base no balanço atual. O BS fica pronto em abril / maio, com os bancos levando mais 2 meses. Assim, embora a empresa tivesse uma taxa de desembolso de 60 Cr em março de 2013, só poderia desembolsar.

40 Cr em abril-agosto & # 8217; 2013 (até 50-60 Cr para setembro-dezembro & # 8217; 13) apesar de ter pessoal de vendas / operações pronto # 8211; levando à subutilização. Nos anos anteriores, isso não se provou um gargalo (provavelmente o patrimônio líquido dos acionistas foi suficiente nos primeiros meses até que os empréstimos bancários aumentaram), mas certamente afetou os desembolsos e a lucratividade significativamente no EF14. Para o ano fiscal de 2015, a empresa espera iniciar o processo de aprovação com os bancos no quarto trimestre do ano fiscal 2014. Deteriorando 3 Wheeler Market / Portfolio & # 8211; O mercado de MCS 3 Wheeler Loan (principalmente Kerala) está em constante deterioração. As vendas mensais de 7500 veículos estão agora em 3500 veículos por mês. Ganhos diários relatados de veículos de três rodas até 450 / - de Rs 850 / - mais cedo. Os 4 wheelers Tata IRIS / ACE também começaram a se sair bem. 3 Associações Wheeler têm escrito para empresas de financiamento de veículos proeminentes para parar de emitir empréstimos com rodas 3 em Kerala. A capacidade de serviço da dívida dos mutuários está seriamente prejudicada e os NPAs brutos estão em alta [

5% em 9mFY14]. No entanto, os NPAs brutos da 2 Wheeler permanecem firmemente sob controle e são provavelmente os melhores na indústria.

1% alto custo de fundos & # 8211; O custo dos fundos do MCS é o mais alto do setor, com 13% +. Dependência de financiamento do Banco é alta e atual A (outlook negativo) rating por CRISIL (clubbed com Muthoot Fincorp) isn t ajudar qualquer um. As DNTs públicas / outras opções provavelmente estão restritas até que uma atualização de classificação esteja em vigor. Um (Outlook Negativo) CRISIL Rating & # 8211; Embora as razões e a sensibilidade à classificação citadas pela CRISIL em sua perspectiva negativa sejam atribuíveis principalmente ao negócio de empréstimo de ouro da Muthoot Fincorp, a queda da lucratividade na contagem de MCS também não ajudou. A Administração Sênior é fortemente da opinião de que eles provaram nos últimos 6 anos que a MCS 2Wheeler / 3Wheeler Auto Financing é um modelo de negócio bem sucedido, sustentável e escalável. Eles saíram completamente do negócio Gold Loan. Eles merecem uma classificação autônoma do MCS que eles acham que merece uma classificação muito melhor & # 8211; que pode aliviar suas restrições de financiamento de uma maneira importante. As discussões estão com ICRA e CARE. Dependência de produto único & # 8211; Portfólio de produtos MCS atualmente é composto por apenas 2 wheeler e 3 wheeler empréstimos. Com a empresa em ascensão de 3 rodas, a NPA está conscientemente reduzindo os empréstimos da 3 Wheeler. Dependência é muito pesada em empréstimos de 2 wheeler. Quaisquer desenvolvimentos adversos na indústria / economia podem afetar significativamente as fortunas da empresa. No futuro, a empresa precisa analisar a diversificação de produtos para obter um melhor perfil de crescimento ajustado ao risco. Restrições de financiamento & # 8211; Camada I & amp; Capital Nível II & # 8211; Atualmente Capital Adequacy está em.

19% (Min CAR de 15% conforme RBI). Se o MCS continuar crescendo a taxas de 40-50%, precisará de infusão de capital na forma de Capital Nível I ou Nível II em breve. Aumento do Nível I (capital próprio) provavelmente não é uma opção ativa para a empresa (cf. avaliações atuais). Para o Nível II, o Capital MCS tem opções para seguir a rota de Dívida Subordinada ou Capital de Preferência, nº 8211; que pode ser decidido com base nos níveis de liquidez do Grupo em 2015/16. Financiamento da Empresa Hero / Honda & # 8211; O MCS é extremamente dependente do financiamento para os veículos com rodas Hero e Honda 2. No caso de qualquer um deles começar seus próprios braços de financiamento & # 8211; e fornecer acesso preferencial ao financiamento de suas concessionárias & # 8211; Os clientes em potencial do MCS podem ser afetados significativamente.

Barreiras à entrada.

Esquemas de pagamento em dinheiro únicos / flexíveis & # 8211; Os clientes podem pagar de qualquer filial da Fincorp em qualquer lugar do país. Um módulo de coleta baseado na web do MCS fornece acesso a detalhes do cliente e cronogramas de pagamento, etc. para todas as filiais da Fincorp. Os clientes podem optar por pagar mensalmente à EMI Rs 1500 / -, mesmo em Rs 200 / - ou Rs 300 / - flexi-parcelas. Fincorp recolhe 0,5% (acima de 0,2%) como taxas de cobrança do MCS do ano fiscal de 2013. Aproveitando a rede Fincorp generalizada & # 8211; Com uma crescente rede pan-india de mais de 3800 agências & # 8211; isso está no centro do eficiente sistema de coleta de MCS. O MCS pode simplesmente pegar carona nessa rede de varejo em expansão e realmente não precisa configurar essa infra-estrutura à medida que aumenta a escala. O MCS não precisa de filiais, pois as vendas são originadas principalmente de executivos de vendas colocados em pontos de revendedor. [Hubs operacionais são necessários para gerenciar todos os 30-40 pontos do revendedor & # 8211; onde novamente compartilhado (mas separado) instalações com Fincorp é a norma. Dos 29 Centros Operacionais, apenas 8 são de propriedade do MCS, incluindo a localização da matriz.]

Pontos de vista interessantes.

Começou a tomar Depósitos & # 8211; A MCS começou recentemente a aceitar depósitos de 1 a 3 anos a taxas de até 12% através da Muthoot Exim, que atua como corretora.

40 depósitos de Cr foram mobilizados até agora. A empresa parece confiante em mobilizar.

150-180 Cr (o limite máximo & # 8211; 1.5x Net Owned Funds) dentro do FY15. Isto irá percorrer um longo caminho para assegurar os Requisitos de Margem com os Bancos e preparar o caminho para uma maior disponibilidade de Empréstimos a Prazo para a empresa. Introdução iminente de Automation & # 8211; De acordo com a maior automação da empresa no Sistema de Originação de Empréstimos (LOS) & # 8211; cobrindo processos de vendas, operações e crédito & # 8211; está previsto para ser introduzido em todos os Hubs e Escritórios da empresa no 1T15. Parte dos procedimentos operacionais padrão (POPs) do projeto de automação de um grupo muito maior foi definida pela IBM em consulta com os departamentos funcionais nos últimos dois anos. 3I Infotech é o principal fornecedor e parceiro de implementação. Além de fornecer visões unificadas de MIS de fonte única, isso provavelmente trará enormes eficiências operacionais e economias no EF15. Modelo da Agência de Vendas Muthoot Fincorp & # 8211; Com o volume de negócios do Gold Loan caindo, a Muthoot Fincorp começou a terceirizar proativamente os clientes para o MCS com base em comissões (2%). Iniciado apenas um ano atrás, todo o pessoal da filial da Fincorp já foi treinado. Com o Muthoot Fincorp intrinsecamente incentivado (baixas vendas de empréstimos de ouro), espera-se que seja implementado em todas as 3800 filiais do AF15 & # 8211; reduzindo a dependência e os grandes custos incorridos pelo MCS nos Executivos de Vendas nos pontos do Distribuidor. O modelo está funcionando bem e deve começar a ser entregue.

7500 veículos (média 2) por mês.

Divulgação (ões)

Donald Francis: Mais de 5% da carteira da empresa; Holding por mais de 6 meses.



A Shriram City Union Finance (Cidade de Shriram), fundada em 1986, faz parte do grupo Shriram, com quase quatro décadas de existência, e tem suas origens das necessidades dos clientes da Chit Funds. A empresa iniciou suas operações com financiamento de caminhões. Em 29 de outubro de 1988, a empresa tornou-se uma sociedade anônima e renomeada como Shriram Hire Purchase Finance Ltd. Em março de 1990, o City Union Bank Ltd. adquiriu 200.000 ações ao par. Consequentemente, o nome da empresa foi mudado para Shriram City Union Finance Ltd. A empresa registrou-se como um depósito tomando o financiamento de ativos da NBFC com o RBI e tornou-se público em 1994.

Antes de 2002, a empresa dedicava-se exclusivamente ao financiamento de transportes, com especial ênfase no financiamento de veículos comerciais usados ​​para pequenos operadores de transportes rodoviários. Em 2002, a empresa descontinuou o negócio de financiamento de caminhões (exceto para caminhões com 10 anos de idade), já que a empresa estava consolidada em sua preocupação irmã (Shriram Transport Finance Ltd) e começou como uma unidade de negócios separada em 2002 como Shriram City. Union Finance Ltd. Listada em BSE em 2003.

Hoje, as ofertas da Shriram City compreendem financiamento para veículos de duas rodas e três rodas, a Four Wheeler Finance (veículos novos e usados ​​de passageiros e comerciais), empréstimos pessoais, empréstimos para pequenas empresas e empréstimos contra o ouro. Isso fez de Shriram City a única NBFC a oferecer uma ampla gama de produtos sob o mesmo teto.

Visão: Servindo o mal servido. Criando valor na parte inferior da pirâmide.

Principais Produtos / Segmentos.

Nicho Diversified Portfolio de Produtos.

Fonte: Empresa, CRISIL.

Rede de agências & # 8211; 1021 Total de filiais, 724 Filiais Próprias, 297 Locais Locais Concentração Geográfica & # 8211; AP [48%], TN [32%], MH [9%], KN [2%], OTHERS [9%] Base de clientes do grupo & # 8211;

4 clientes Mn Chit Fund; 95% dos clientes MPME referidos por Shriram Chits.

Principais Mercados / Clientes.

Posicionamento robusto para o mercado sub-penetrado endereçável de nicho & # 8211; principalmente o auto-empregado & # 8211; sem histórico de crédito formal e / ou assinatura futura de fluxo de caixa & # 8211; principalmente alimentando o Chit Business e concentrado em AP, TN, MH & # 8211; extremamente escalável & # 8211; mercado completamente protegido (?) & # 8211; pode continuar a crescer bem Empréstimos MSME, Empréstimos de Ouro, Empréstimos de 2 Wh e Empréstimos Pessoais Uma parte da ação Não-Chit de MPME & # 8211; concentrado principalmente no norte da Índia & # 8211; principalmente alavancando clientes dignos de crédito regular com histórico de crédito e documentos adequados & # 8211; Empréstimos máximos de 1 Cr & # 8211; Tamanho médio do bilhete 20-25 lakhs & # 8211; pode ver crescimento cauteloso & # 8211; como este é o mercado não testado / modelos não testados A presença de Nicho Nascente no segmento de Financiamento Habitação pouco penetrado & # 8211; com foco no nível 2 & amp; Tier 3 Cities e o sub-depositado & # 8211; Tamanho médio do bilhete 10 lakhs & # 8211; insignificante atualmente, mas crescendo rapidamente & # 8211; pode se tornar significativa em 4-5 anos.

Pontos de vista otimistas.

Enorme penetração na base de clientes-alvo & # 8211; Com apenas 9-10% de penetração do.

4Mn Base de clientes da Shriram Chit, há um enorme espaço para crescer em seu nicho, praticamente sem concorrência. Melhorando o mix de produtos & # 8211; Com a participação do Gold Loan (esperado para ficar dentro de.

20-25%), Mix de produtos decisivamente inclinando para uma maior estabilidade, maior rendimento Drivers Strong Growth & # 8211; Maior penetração de produtos nas filiais existentes, especialmente em MPMEs de alto rendimento, 2wheeler e empréstimos pessoais continuarão impulsionando o crescimento. Posição dominante no MSME Loans & # 8211; Como por Frost & amp; Sullivan estuda a participação do SCUF nos desembolsos gerais de empréstimos das MPME no EF11 foi um dominante de 53%. A cidade de Shriram concentra-se em tamanhos de passagens que incluem Empréstimos Muito Pequenos (sub Rs 1 Lac), Empréstimos Pequenos (Rs. 1 Lac - Rs. 10 Lacs) e Empréstimos Médios (Rs. 10 Lacs - Rs. 50 Lacs), com a maior parte seu livro MSME constituindo Small Loans & # 8211; 42% de participação de mercado em 2013 AR. Alta Adequação de Capital & # 8211; Com o recente Capital Infusion, o CAR at.

23% é o mais alto do setor. Tier I Capital está em um confortável.

18% Isto deve ser adequado para financiar o crescimento nos próximos anos. Alta trajetória de crescimento - Enquanto o crescimento do FY14E AUM será silenciado # 8211; em parte devido à reformulação do Livro de Empréstimos e em parte devido à interrupção dos negócios normais na AP devido aos protestos da Telengana, os próximos 2-3 anos podem ver um crescimento de 25% da CAGR. Alta Rendimento parece sustentável & # 8211; SCUF tem o maior rendimento entre os NBFCs semelhantes em.

22%. Dada a melhoria do mix de produtos, os rendimentos provavelmente permanecerão altos Os custos operacionais provavelmente cairão & # 8211; Os coeficientes de custo / rendimento do SCUF aumentaram principalmente devido a despesas com funcionários que aumentaram nos últimos 3 anos & # 8211; a partir de.

6% das Despesas no FY11 para mais de 13% no FY13. Isto foi em grande parte devido à integração dos funcionários da Shriram Chit na sua dobra (De.

3000 para pouco mais de 19000 no 2T14). Com o processo sendo concluído e metas de expansão de filial conservadoras aqui, é provável que isso se estabilize e siga para baixo nos próximos 2 a 3 anos. Valuations & # 8211; Dado o forte posicionamento em seu nicho, o SCUF parece estar negociando a preços razoavelmente atraentes de 2,2x P / B (CMP 1030).

Pontos de vista de baixa.

Concentração de negócios em AP & amp; TN & # 8211; 80% dos negócios atualmente vêm desses dois estados com AP (48%) e TN (32%). Quaisquer perturbações e / ou alterações na política nos estados-chave podem afetar significativamente os negócios. A questão e os protestos da Telengana em andamento presenciaram uma interrupção na atividade comercial normal e afetaram os desembolsos para os clientes das MPMEs. A iminente bifurcação de AP e prováveis ​​protestos significa que o SCUF permanece vulnerável a perturbações novamente & # 8211; e isso pode impactar o crescimento da Qualidade do Ativo aparentemente se deteriorando (Normas de Reconhecimento de Avanço)

Os NPAs do SCUF estão no lado superior. Isso também deve ser visto no contexto de uma parcela significativa de Empréstimos de Ouro (com NPAs baixos) no Livro de Empréstimos. No entanto, para ser justo, a norma de reconhecimento a 150 d é conservadora e mantém-se à frente das estipulações / prazos do RBI. Normas / Padrões Avançados de Reconhecimento O provisionamento de ativos pode ser aumentado & # 8211; Conforme as Diretrizes do DRAFT do Comitê Usha Thorat, as NBFCs podem ter que passar para a norma de reconhecimento de NPA de 120 dias a partir de 1º de abril de 2014 e norma de 90 dias a partir de 1º de abril de 2015. Também o provisionamento de Ativos Padrão pode ser aumentado para 0,40% de 0,25% 31 de março de 2014. Isso pode levar a custos mais altos de provisionamento com impacto nos ganhos. Eventuais baixas podem ser menores (natureza dos clientes / negócios). De acordo com a Administração, em toda a história de 28 anos, a inadimplência real é de & lt; 1-1,5%. Empréstimo de ouro continua a ser uma parte significativa do livro de empréstimos. A volatilidade do preço do ouro pode afetar as possibilidades de crescimento.

Barreiras à entrada.

Chit Model & # 8211; 90% do mercado atual de negócios / endereçável é praticamente isolado da concorrência. Para seus segmentos-alvo, um cliente da Shriram Chit sairá do grupo somente se o SCUF não puder atender à necessidade do cliente. Strong Brand Equity & # 8211; A “Marca Shriram” tem um alto valor de marca dentro do seu segmento-alvo, o que leva a baixos gastos com publicidade em regiões existentes e novas geografias.

Pontos de vista interessantes.

Aproveitando / Piggy-Riding no pai / grupo & # 8211; Shriram City Union aproveita completamente os pontos fortes do grupo & # 8211; Clientes, banco de dados, sistemas e processos internos para os trabalhadores independentes e sistemas de TI. A expansão para novas geografias pode ser calibrada de forma incremental por meio de um sistema de ecossistema de grupo e rede de agências, com um mínimo de gastos de capital. Visão de Regulador de NBFCs se tornando favorável? & # 8211; Mesmo dois anos atrás, o risco regulatório pode ter sido citado como um risco-chave para os negócios da NBFC. No entanto, o RBI tardio parece estar mudando sua postura agressiva (como evidenciado no recente Relatório Global de Serviços Financeiros para Pequenos Negócios e Famílias de Baixa Renda presidido por Nachiket Mor, Membro do Conselho Central, RBI) e reconhecendo o papel chave e valor agregado contribuição que as NBFCs poderiam fazer para a inclusão financeira na Índia. Também recentes 23 de janeiro de 2014 Discurso Non-Banking Finance Companies: Game Changers, por P. Vijaya Bhaskar, Diretor Executivo, RBI Apenas 7% das MPMEs procuram fontes externas de crédito, o restante gerencia com autofinanciamento ou com financiamento de fontes informais. As MPMEs têm uma demanda total de financiamento de Rs. 32,5 trilhões, dos quais apenas 36% são amplamente considerados endereçáveis ​​pelas instituições financeiras. Os 64% restantes, normalmente considerados inviáveis ​​devido a perfis de crédito inadequados / ruins, preferência por dívidas de fontes informais, dependência de autofinanciamento etc., apresentam um potencial rico para as NBFCs se salvaguardas adequadas puderem ser incorporadas para proteger a qualidade dos ativos [Fonte: Ministério das Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas, Empresa AR, MSME Finanças na Índia Relatório da IFC] A cidade de Siramém atende em grande parte ao segmento de Microempresas. Sua pesquisa indica que, no caso do PIB crescer entre 4% e 8211; 5%, o setor de MPME deve ter um crescimento de longo prazo entre 15% e 8211; 20%. [Empresa de origem AR] Shriram City Housing Finance & # 8211; Incorporada como uma subsidiária integral em novembro de 2010. Atualmente, 76,5% são propriedade da Shriram City e 23,5% são de parceiros da Valiant. Concentrando-se nas cidades de nível 2 e 3 e nas sub-bancadas com tamanho médio de 10 lakhs, este negócio está em um estágio inicial com o tamanho de ativos de.

340 Cr em setembro de 2013. Crescendo rapidamente com a passagem dos desembolsos.

215 Cr em set / 2013 a partir de 40 Cr em set / 2012 & # 8211; um bloco de construção sendo colocado para o crescimento desproporcional futuro?

Divulgação (ões)

Donald Francis: Mais de 5% da carteira da empresa; Holding por mais de 6 meses.

Avanti Feeds.


A Avanti Feeds é uma das maiores fabricantes de processadoras e exportadoras de camarão da Índia.

Principais Produtos / Segmentos.

Exportação de camarão processado.

Principais Mercados / Clientes.

Os alimentos são utilizados pelos criadores de camarão. Os camarões processados ​​são exportados para países como EUA, Europa, Japão etc.

Pontos de vista otimistas.

A indústria da aquicultura estava passando por um momento muito ruim até 2007 como a qualidade de espécies anteriores & # 8211; O Tigre Negro não era bom e, portanto, não remunerado. Desde então, a indústria introduziu uma nova variedade de camarões - os Vannamei (camarões brancos), embora sejam menores que os tigres, são mais resistentes a doenças, têm taxas de sobrevivência mais altas, custam menos para alimentar e toleram densidades maiores. E eles crescem mais rápido. A Índia é um dos produtores de camarão mais baratos e com a crescente adoção de espécies de Vannamei, as exportações de camarão da Índia aumentaram drasticamente. [Linha de Negócios] A Avanti Feeds cresceu a 75% CAGR nos últimos 3 anos. O volume de negócios cresceu de 73 Cr em 2009 para 393 Cr em 2012. De igual modo, os lucros cresceram de uma perda de 7 Cr em 2009 para um lucro líquido de 28 Cr em 2012. Espera-se que a indústria cresça a 20-25% nos próximos 2 -3 anos e, em caso afirmativo, Avanti Feeds pode crescer a 30% + taxas. O último relatório anual é muito otimista e a co realizou algumas grandes expansões. Durante o ano, a empresa dobrou sua capacidade, substituindo maquinários antigos pelos novos e construindo novos godowns para lidar com o aumento de volumes. A capacidade aumentou para 1,10,000 Mts por ano. de 52.000 mts pa A capacidade de processamento de camarão aumentou para 8000 Mts p. a de 2720 mts p. a. Como a demanda prevista pela empresa está prevista para um grande salto daqui a alguns anos, uma expansão adicional seria necessária, pois as capacidades atuais seriam insuficientes. Portanto, 4,94 acres de terra perto de sua atual fábrica de Kovvur já foram comprados para expansão. Está operando um incubatório Vannamei em uma base de arrendamento, produzindo sementes Vannamei para fornecer sementes Vannamei de boa qualidade para os agricultores. Está em processo de compra de uma terra perto de Chennai para instalar o incubatório em colaboração com a THAI UNION para a construção de incubatórios. Isso reduzirá o retorno de remessas de exportação devido a razões de qualidade, reduzirá o risco de danos ao camarão devido a doenças e melhorará sua eficiência operacional, pois é um acréscimo significativo na cadeia de valor. O governo dos EUA levantou o direito anti-dumping sobre a importação de camarões congelados da Índia. O imposto médio foi aumentado para 2,51%, de 1,69%. Isso teria pouco impacto sobre as exportações de frutos do mar para os EUA, já que DoC decidiu calcular as margens médias ponderadas de dumping e taxas de avaliação de direitos antidumping de uma maneira que compense as comparações não-dumping usando comparações mensais médias / médias em rever. Isso pode levar a um direito mínimo (abaixo de 0,5%), que, na prática, carrega zero direito antidumping sobre as exportações para os EUA. Esta decisão do DoC entrará em vigor a partir de 2013, quando a sétima revisão administrativa for concluída. Este é um grande impulso para os exportadores e Avanti Feeds sendo o líder de mercado irá beneficiar significativamente com isso. O dividendo foi aumentado para 65% no ano fiscal de 2012 de 10% no ano fiscal de 2011. A vantagem competitiva da Índia na indústria do camarão é que os países concorrentes agora têm que pagar um imposto antidumping mais alto em comparação com a Índia.

Pontos de vista de baixa.

Dependência das condições climáticas torna imprevisível. Calamidades naturais como enchentes, ciclones, durante a estação de cultura podem ter um impacto sério. Camarões sendo afetados por vírus e doenças também são uma ameaça. As margens podem suavizar daqui para frente. Restrições comerciais nos países importadores podem desestabilizar a indústria como os EUA fizeram no passado aplicando o direito antidumping. falta de diversificação no destino das exportações.

Barreiras à entrada.

Thai Union Frozen Products A PCL (a maior empresa de frutos do mar do mundo) detém uma participação de 25% na Avanti Feeds. Essa relação fornece a liderança em termos de pesquisa e melhor qualidade. A empresa tem sua própria marca e distribuição e os agricultores não trocam o produto rapidamente. Embora o cultivo de camarão seja um segmento muito desorganizado do setor, o segmento de processamento e exportação é um segmento organizado. A empresa, por meio do apoio técnico aos produtores de camarão e às sementes de boa qualidade, construiu um relacionamento com os agricultores, o que garante o fornecimento regular de camarão de boa qualidade. O arrendamento do incubatório adicionou outro pneu à sua cadeia de valor, o que produzirá economias de escopo. Fortalecerá ainda mais sua posição quando construir seu próprio incubatório.

Pontos de vista interessantes.

Thai Union Frozen Products A PCL detém uma participação de 25% na Avanti Feeds e, portanto, eles têm acesso aos mais recentes requisitos de pesquisa e qualidade. Avanti é um dos três principais produtores da Índia. A empresa tem dívidas baixas e fortes fluxos de caixa. Os promotores têm um bom histórico de serem transparentes e amigáveis ​​aos investidores. A empresa também possui investimentos de cerca de 30 Cr em dois projetos de energia, dos quais obtém dividendos regulares.

Divulgação (ões)

Donald Francis: Mais de 5% da carteira da empresa; Holding por mais de 1 ano.

Kaveri Seed Company.


A Kaveri Seed Company dedica-se à produção e venda de sementes híbridas, micronutrientes e vegetais / ervas premium (nova iniciativa da Kexveg no FY12). Incorporada em 1986, a empresa completou 25 anos no mercado indiano. Listada em 2007, é uma das empresas de sementes que mais cresce na Índia.

A Kaveri Seeds investiu em uma extensa instalação de P & D com um banco de terras de propriedade da empresa.

600 acres e um banco de genes de germoplasma superior a 11.000.

159 linhas / híbridos registrados com PPV e FR, dos quais 39 foram submetidos a teste de DUS e 15 estão em linha para certificação.

Principais Produtos / Segmentos.

A Kaveri Seed possui um portfólio diversificado de sementes híbridas de milho, pérola painço (Bajra), sorgo (Jowar), arroz, algodão e girassol, com características geneticamente superiores de alto rendimento, resistência a pragas e tolerância à seca. [Vendas do FY12 349,5 Cr.

A BT Cotton Hybrid forma mais de 50% das vendas. O gene BT Cotton é licenciado pela Mahyco-Monsanto JV (ao qual paga royalty de Rs 180 por saca) com o qual produziu um híbrido de algodão BT de grande sucesso usando machos separados & amp; linhas femininas formam o seu banco genético de germaplasma.

Iniciada em 2002, a divisão Microteck fornece micronutrientes e biopesticidas / fungicidas orgânicos para aumentar o rendimento das culturas. Sprays foliares, aplicações de solo, defesa de plantas, biopesticidas & amp; Bio-fungicidas. [Vendas do FY12 23,5 Cr.

Principais Mercados / Clientes.

A Kaveri Seeds possui uma rede de distribuição bem estabelecida para os agricultores. Mais de 60% da receita da empresa é registrada no primeiro trimestre. Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh contribute highest sales.

8000-9000 Cr in India.

Bullish Viewpoints.

Huge potential for Hybrid seeds – because of lower acreages & requirements of higher yields, pesticide/herbicide resistance, lower water consumption, drought resistance BT Cotton led volume growth – Rapid market share growth, to 11% in FY12 from 5.5% a year back on the back of its differentiated BT Cotton Hybrid. BT Cotton forms 50% of Revenues Corn led margin growth – Corn is the next highest segment, with higher margins Paddy Hybrids – Future growth driver.

Bearish Viewpoints.

Weather-Related risks Longer debtor days Low tax rates by Seed Industry - disputed by Income Tax Department. Favourable judgement in lower courts face risk of being overturned in High Court/Supreme Court Regulatory Risks – Agri sector Political Interference – Price capping. AP Govt has capped price of BT Cotton in AP Aggressive shift in Crop patterns by Farmers.

Barriers to entry.

Big Germaplasm Bank – Kaveri has amassed a huge breeder base.

11000 over the years for producing hybrids with required traits for local market. It has also established cold storage and Seed Bank facilities at Gowaram to now preserve these as “Gene Bank”. Huge Land Bank – The Seed business needs huge land banks for experimentation and commercial production for Sales. Kaveri Seeds has.

600 Cr land bank Long development time – Coming up with a differentiated effective hybrid usually takes 5-6 years Diversified Portfolio – 50% of revenues come from BT Cotton. Corn, Bajra and Sunflower are other major contributors. Jowar & Rice are the other premium hybrid seeds Strong Distribution Network –

750 distributors across the country Intellectual Property – 159 lines/hybrids registered with PPV&FR India, of which 39 have undergone DUS test and 15 are in line for certification.

Interesting Viewpoints.

Monsanto’s Corn hybrid – Dekalb – is 100 years in existence. This is the Power of a good differentiated hybrid!! Kaveri also has good hybrids in Corn. It has reportedly increased its Hybrid Corn pricing 16% on a compounded basis over last 20 year.


Donald Francis : More than 5% of Portfolio in the Company; Holding for more than 2 years.

Ajanta Pharma.


Ajanta Pharma ranks among the Top 50 Pharmaceutical companies in India (IMS ORG MAT March 2012) with sales growing at 27% CAGR over FY06-12. More than 2000 Medical Representatives strength.

6.5% of Sales on R&D and has invested in over 200 skilled personnel with a 35000 sq feet dedicated R&D facility for working on API synthesis and finished formulations.

Main Products/Segments.

Main Generic Brands:

Ophthalmology (Olopat, Diflucor, Zaha, Unibrom, Nepaflam) Dermatology (Melacare, Pacroma, Salicia KT, Sunstop) Cardiology (Atorfit CV, Met XL, Rosufit) Anti-Malarials (Artefan – Artemether & Lumefentrine) Gastroenterology (Lafutax – Lafutidine) Male Erectile Dysfunction (Kamagra – Sildenafil Citrate)

Main Markets/Customers.

Mainly three segments – Dermatology (32% FY07-11 sales CAGR), Cardiology (24% FY07-11 sales CAGR) and Ophthalmology (23% FY07-11 sales CAGR). 75% of Domestic Revenues come from top 3 segments of Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Cardiac. Balance 25% come from new segments like Orthopedics, Gastro Intestinal and the Institutional segment. Sales are mostly from a prescription-based model as the company moved decisively in reducing its exposure to tender based sales (0% from last 3 years). Institutional Sales comprise some 20% of Sales (governed by rate contracts for Ajanta’s brands). Direct Sales force has gone up from 600 to 2000+ in last 3 years. Country-wide C&F Agents network caters to the domestic market.

60% of Sales from Exports : of which.

30% from Africa, and rest from Latin America; No sales from US and EU currently. Present in around 25 countries in Africa, South East Asia, Middle East, Central Asia and Latin America. Each country is treated as a different market. 1 distributor for each country. With around 1300+ brand registrations across countries filed, the company also has another 1300 or so brands under approval to ensure future growth.

Bullish Viewpoints.

Consistent Growth – Ajanta Pharma has had a great run over the last 10 Years. Sales have grown at 21% CAGR growing from 100 Cr in 2003 to 605 Cr in 2012 and Net Profits have ramped up much faster at a CAGR of 46% to 66Cr in 2012. Consolidated record is even better. Margin Expansions – Operating margins touched.

21% and Net Margins crossed 11% for the first time in FY2012. The company has been consistently recording higher margins over the last many years moving up from 14% Operating margin and 5% Net margin levels in FYO6. This may be attributed to increasing “brand” value, gradual shift in business model(s), and operating scale efficiencies. Strong Product Pipeline – Ajanta Pharma invests.

6.5% of Sales in R&D. It has over 1300 product registrations in different countries and a pending registration (filed) pipeline of over 1300 products. For the last few years, the company has been introducing more than 20 new products every year in the domestic market, many of them first-of-its kind in India. Prescription-Sales shift – Ajanta Pharma has successfully transitioned to a prescription-sales model, from the earlier dependence on sales to government and institutions – which were lower-margin tender based business. The company has heavily invested in increasing its field force to over 2000 Medical representatives. Expansion of doctor base, coupled with increased prescription rate has led to significant gain in market share and improved ranking during the year (FY12 within Top 50, compared to 63 in FY11). Direct-Sales led model – Interestingly, Ajanta Pharma has been relying on a direct-sales led model rather than a distributor led model, even in overseas markets. More than 90% of export sales reportedly are through the direct marketing network, with only 10% coming from distributors. Focused therapeutic markets – The company follows a very country-specific and product-specific model. For example, it sells its Anti-malarial and specialty range of products in African markets, while in South East Asian markets cardiology, ophthalmology and dermatology products are sold. Similarly for Latin American market, the company sells cough syrup dosages predominantly. Thus rather than dumping all products to marketing team, selective penetration is attempted depending upon the demand for that particular market. Backward Integration for API facilities - Ajanta Pharma invested in a state-of-the-art API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) facility in Waluj, Aurangabad in FY10. While the company mainly depends on Chinese supplies for its API needs, this facility is critical in its objective of launching new first-time products in the country. In-house capabilities on this front enables it to maintain product confidentiality in the innovation and trial phases where API supplies may be unavailable/scarce. The facility is being used primarily for captive consumption. Heavy investments in Capex – In the last 4 years Ajanta Pharma has spent upwards of 200 Cr in Capital expenditure, which has paid off handsomely, so far – upgrading the USFDA approved Paithan facility, setting up an API facility in Waluj, a newfully equipped R&D center in Mumbai and Warehousing infrastructure. It also acquired a formulations facility in Aurangabad to cater to semi-regulated markets. With the current and foreseen growth levels, the company envisages capacity peaking in next 2 years. The company has planned two separate manufacturing facilities – one for regulated markets & another for domestic & emerging export markets to be completed in 24 months with an investment of.

400 Cr. Funding through new debt, apart from internal accruals. Improved Subsidiary Performance – Subsidiaries have started adding to the fizz – contributing 72 Cr (

12%) to the topline and 11 Cr (

17%) to the bottomline. Performance of its subsidiary in Mauritius has been excellent and the step down subsidiary in Philippines has also been able to improve its performance substantially making profit for the first time. US and UK subsidiaries continue to assist in regulatory work for product registrations in those countries. Entry into developed markets – The company has made excellent progress on this front since FY10, when it first started filing ANDAs (Abbreviated New Drug Application) in the US Market. It has received approvals for the first 2 products and filed another 7 in FY12. The first 2 products are expected to be launched in 1QFY13. Management has guided for a.

$2.5-5 million annual sales from these mid-size product segments. Strong Balance Sheet – With long term borrowings at 75 Cr and short-term borrowings of 87 Cr, the total debt-to equity stands at 0.6x. Long term debt-to-equity is at 0.28x which leaves plenty of room for further leveraging. The company is in a position to fund its growth plans comfortably. Consistently increasing Dividends – Dividend Payout is low at.

13% of Earnings in FY12. But to its credit the company has been consistently increasing dividends over the last 5 years. Dividends went up from 2.93 Cr in FY08 to 8.78 Cr in FY12, at an impressive 31% CAGR.

Bearish Viewpoints.

Likelihood of Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) filing fees going up – Establishment of Generic Drug User Fee Rates for Fiscal Year 2012 has revised the rates of ANDA filings. This is likely to see a significant escalation in expenses and may cause the company to pursue a more moderate ANDA filing strategy. Higher Working Capital requirements – Working Capital/Sales has seen a significant jump in FY12 over FY11 – reversing the earlier trend. Working Capital by Sales is over 25% of Sales as compared to.

20% of Sales in FY11. This is attributable to the big jump in Inventory and Sundry Debtors – both going up by over 25% from FY11 levels. This might exert downward pressure on margins going forward. Aggressive Expansion Plans – The company has indicated expansion plans entailing 400 Cr over next 2 years. This is a huge jump over the average spend of.

50 Cr per year over the last 4 years. This will mean stretching the balance sheet from the current comfortable levels, entail higher interest costs, and exert further pressure on margins.

High Exports contribution – With over 60% of Sales, coming from ROW exports any changes in the regulatory/political environments of these countries may impact revenue prospects Forex fluctuations - Forex volatility remains a significant risk to be managed in light of over 60% of Sales coming from Exports.

Barriers to entry.

Strong Brands – Company’s leading brands listed in top 5 sub-therapeutic segments of Ophthalmology (IMS Rank 7, Industry.

800 Cr)- Olopat, Unibrom, Diflucor, Zaha and Nepaflam Dermatology (IMS Rank 18, Industry.

2600 Cr) – Melacare, Pacroma, Salicia KT Cardiology (IMS Rank 31, Industry.

5300 Cr ) – Atorfit CV, Met XL Strong Direct Sales model – Over 2000 direct sales people to increase doctor reach and prescription sales. Going by the gain in market share and improved rankings, this model (invested in over the years), is working to the company’s advantage. Lower Tax rates – The company’s locations continue to operate under MAT. Besides it also avails of R&D tax deductions (150%). Overall the tax rate is around 15-16%.

Interesting Viewpoints.

Ajanta Pharma has received 2 Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) approvals for Risperidone & Levetiracetam from the USFDA in FY12. It has also filed for another 7 ANDAs during FY12, taking the total ANDA Portfolio to 9. The company received its first product approval by USFDA in a record 16 months of filing the ANDAs. Keppra ® (Levetiracetam) 2011 net sales: € 966 millions by UCB Pharma Inc – the original patent holder. Ajanta Pharma is expecting $2 -$2.5 million of annual revenue from both these products and is likely to launch both products that received approval in the first half of FY’13. The company has guided to file 5-6 ANDAs every year with the USFDA, and to build up a portfolio of 20-25 products in the next 3-4 years in the U. S. market for potential contribution to its top line. The company continues to launch new products in the market in different therapeutic segments. During FY12 the company launched 25 new products out of which 13 were first time in the country. (FY11 23 new products launched).


Donald Francis : More than 5% of Portfolio in the Company; Holding for more than 2 years.

Oriental Carbon & Chemicals.


Oriental Carbon & Chemicals , belonging to JP Goenka Group of companies, is one of the market leaders in the production of Insoluble Sulphur for the Tyre and Rubber industry around the world.

It has state of the art manufacturing facilities in India at Dharuhera (Harayana) and at Mundra (Gujarat). Apart from Insoluble Sulfur OCCL also manufacture Sulphuric Acid and Oleums in the chemical complex at Dharuhera.

Starting in 1994 with modest capacities of 3000 mt per annum capacity, The production capacity of Insoluble Sulphur now stands at 22,000 Mt per annum.

Main Products/Segments.

Oriental Carbon & Chemicals enjoys a dominant market position in the domestic market by virtue of being the only local manufacturer of Insoluble Sulphur in the country.

The company also reportedly enjoys a favourable market position as the ‘Second Alternate Supplier’ in the global industry, which is dominated by Flexsys of USA.

The other products manufatured are Sulphuric Acid & Oleum which constitute less than 10% of the Sales Mix. Insoluble Sulpher contributed 90.65% of Sales in FY12.

64% of Sales in FY12.

Main Markets/Customers.

Insoluble Sulphur is a key ingredient for vulcanisation of rubber and is mainly consumed by the Radial Tyre Industry. Increased Radialisation of tyres in domestic market is favourable for the company.

Strong customer base comprises major tyre companies in the world like Continental AG, Goodyear, Bridgestone, Pirelli, Kumho Tyres etc. for exports and Apollo Tyres, Bridgestone, JK Tyres, MRF Tyres, Ceat Tyres, Goodyear India, etc. in the domestic market.

Bullish Viewpoints.

2nd Alternate Supplier – Solutia remains the market leader with 70-80% market share. Oriental Carbon commands 8-10% market share. Shikoku Japan caters to mostly Japan & Korean markets. Chinese production is consumed in-country. That leaves Oriental Carbon in a “preferred” alternate supplier position for Europe and RoW markets. (No US presence at the moment). Long Term Relationships – Most tyre majors view the relationship with OCCL as strategic in nature. The co-operation therefore extends to commercial and technological terms framed to be mutually beneficial, with a long term perspective. Excellent Track record – While 5yr Sales CAGR is a healthy 25%, Net profits have galloped away at an astonishing 73% 5yr CAGR. This is on the back of Operating Margins moving up from 14-15% levels to.

30% levels in last 2 years. Please read the Oriental Carbon Management Q&A to read why this looks sustainable. Higher Grade products – The company has been making investments in manufacturing of tailor made grades of Insoluble Sulphur, which command a premium over conventional grades of Insoluble Sulphur as the European markets are witnessing a shift from conventional to value-added grades of Insoluble Sulphur. The value-added grades provide economies and more flexibility in production to the tyre majors. Consistently growing Exports – Exports have climbed up from.

46 Cr in FY08 to over 140 Cr in FY12 at a.

32% CAGR. This establishes growing acceptance with Tyre majors worldwide. Comfortable Debt position – Long Term debt stood at 116 Cr in FY12. At a comfortable debt-to-equity ratio of 0.77x the company seems well-placed to fund its growth requirements in the near to medium term. Aggressive Capex – The company has doubled capacities by completing an 11,000 MTPA green-field expansion at Mundra SEZ taking the total capacity to.

22,500 MTPA. This was completed at a cost of.

120 Cr. It has lined up another 11,000 MTPA expansion at the same premises, which will be taken up on better demand visibility. Lower tax rates – The Mundra Facility enjoys MAT credit at 18% rates. The effective tax rate may come down to 20-22% for the company as production from the Mundra facility takes off. The company can offset the 18% MAT credit against overall tax liability for the company.

Bearish Viewpoints.

Cyclical nature of the business – The demand of Insoluble Sulpher is essentially derived from demand for tyres in vehicles which remains cyclical and depends heavily on economic conditions. Direct linkage of Raw material to Margins – High correlation of operating margins to raw material volatility. The time lag is 3-6 months for RM price volatilty pass-on. Slowing demand situation in Europe – The company mentions some slack in demand from Europe which it hopes will be offset from demand uptake from other markets. Aggressive Capex – The company has just finished doubling its capacity to 22,500 MTPA and is working at 60-70% capacity utilisation levels. It has also plans for aggressively expanding another 11,000 MTPA in 2 phases of 5500 MTPA. In view of the slowdown in demand, further expansion may have to be put on hold for longer than the company anticipates (

6m). Slower growth in FY13 – Q1FY13 results point to a better performance on the Operating Margins front. But Sales growth is tapering off at barely 18% (FY13 Sales growth at 36%). This result is a cause for concern and may be pointing to lower volume growth of only 10-15%. This is because Rupee depreciation benefits of last 6 months (lag effect) would have contributed significantly to the volume growth of 18% for the quarter.

Barriers to entry.

Small market size. Estimated to be.

250,000 MTPA Closely guarded technology. Market Leader Solutia dominates with 70-80% market share. Only 4-5 players globally. Long Term relationships with most tyre majors – preferred alternate supplier. Capital intensive nature of the business Long time required for getting approvals from the tyre majors, more than 2 years. The tyre majors need a minimal assured supply of 2500-5000 MT for them to even consider switching vendors. Small tyre customers usually do not bet on a new vendor unless a tyre major has first approved.

Interesting Viewpoints.

Next opportunity from US market – The company has been pursuing some tyre majors for penetrating the US market. The next big growth will come from the company’s success on that front Big beneficiary of rupee depreciation – Exports contributed.

64% of Sales in FY12. Imports for FY12.

14% of Sales (RM, CG, Spares & traded goods).


Donald Francis : No Holdings in the Company;


Established in 1939 as the New Standard Engineering Co. Ltd. the company is now known as NESCO Ltd and is a diversified player across Industrial Capital Goods, IT Parks & Realty and Exhibition and Convention Centers.

In 1992, the company setup an exhibition centre – known as the Bombay Exhibition Centre – at its complex on the Western Express Highway at Goregaon, Mumbai. Starting with a hall area of 200,000 sq feet, this has now been expanded to over 500,000 sq feet. This venue holds the distinction of being the largest exhibition center promoted by the private sector in India and has hosted over 500 national and international exhibitions, trade fairs, and events since inception.

Main Products/Segments.

Exhibitions, Trade fairs & Events – The Bombay Exhibition Center (BEC) has over 500,000 sq feet of exhibition space. Since it was established, BEC has hosted over 500 national and international trade fairs, exhibitions and events. This is the mainstay segment for NESCO and generated over 54% of Sales in FY12. Commercial Towers/Realty – NESCO has leased two IT buildings for premium office space to companies like TCS, Schlumberger and others. Total leased space is 300,000 sq feet. It has also other Realty projects. Together this segment accounted for 19% of Sales in FY12. The share of this segment is slated to go up as IT Building III is now ready with 660,000 sq feet leasable space which could start generating revenues in FY13. Industrial Capital Goods – This division generated 25.44 Cr in net Sales for FY12 and constituted.

18% of FY12 Sales. It contributed negligibly to EBIT in FY12 (2.5%) and has also incurred loss in FY11. Investments & Other Income – With a cash chest of 210 Cr parked in Current Investments, this is a sizeable source of revenue for NESCO. In FY12 this segment contributed 8% of overall revenues.

Main Markets/Customers.

Exhibitors at Trade Fairs and Events.

IT Building Leasers.

Bullish Viewpoints.

Great Margins and Profitability – NESCO has a stellar record on the margins and profitability front. EBITDA margins touched 79% and Net Margins touched 52% in FY12. These have seen a consistent upward curve for the last many years. FY08 EBITDA margins were at.

56% levels while Net Margin was at.

37%. RoE and RoCE have been consistently over 35% and 50% for the last 5 years and more. Monopolistic Exhibition Business – The exhibition business segment enjoys a virtual monopoly because of its large size and locational proximity to airport and highways. Over the years BEC has been able to steadily increase utilisation and lease rates. Currently holds exhibitions on.

180 days for the year with partial occupancy on most days. Extrapolating FY12 Sales implies.

127 per sq feet per month lease rate in FY12 (

109 in FY11) which is much ahead of comparable office lease rentals at.

100 per sq feet per month. The clientele is also pretty diversified with no client contributing more than 5% of the business. This is testimoney to the quality and durability of this business (sans force-majeure kind of scenarios). IT Park/Realty Business – The IT Park project is planned for a total construction area of 35 lakh square feet. IT Building III recently completed had total constructed area of 8 lakh sq feet. With 660,000 sq feet lesable area, this can bring in additional 50-60 Cr in annual revenues from FY13. IT Building IV is reportedly in planning/design phase with Larsen & Toubro. Exhibition Center Expansions – NESCO has plans of expanding BEC exhibition space from 500,000 sq feet to a Million sq feet. It is also trying and hopeful of getting approvals for FSI=2, which will enable it to build additional exhibition space over a second floor. Vacant unused land – Apart from BEC and the IT Park, NESCO has upwards of 40 Acres of unused land. The healthy cash flows generated from the business can be used to gradually develop the remaining land parcels. The company has been very conservative in its approach. All above factors may ensure steady growth for NESCO for the next 10 years.

Bearish Viewpoints.

Inordinate delay in Leasing out IT Building III – The Management had indicated in FY11 AR that construction is over and internal finishing was going on, and that they expected some revenues in FY12. The company has not been able to book any revenues from IT Building III. Slackening Growth – NESCO registered a sales growth of only 9.83% in FY12 and degrowth in Operating and Net Profits levels. While the Exhibition Center BEC registered a Sales growth of.

16%, the IT Park/Realty segment suffered a degrowth of over 20% in FY12. The Industrial capital goods section registered a.

49% growth in FY12, but this should be seen in light of the poor base in FY11 where it had suffered a degrowth and incurred losses. At the EBIT level BEC and IT Park/Reality segments together registered a growth of less than 9% Low dividend Payout – Though the company has improved its dividend paying record over the last 5 years, the payout is abysmally low at.

6% of Earnings. In absolute terms though dividends have increased at a CAGR of 49% over last 5 years. (4.23 Cr in FY12 vs 0.85 Cr in FY08) Concentration of business in one location – BEC and IT Park/realty business is conducted from its 70 Acre premises in Goregaon and constitutes.

74% of its total revenues in FY12. This high concentration exposes it to risks like major terrorist attacks and other acts of nature, which does affect its business. The 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai dented the BEC segment business significantly.

Barriers to entry.

Largest Exhibition space – Bombay Exhibition Centre (BEC) is the largest exhibition centre in Mumbai, spread over 450,000 sq feet on Western Express Highway at Goregaon, near Mumbai airport and has become a permanent venue for conventions, exhibitions and trade fairs in India. Bombay Exhibition Centre (BEC) is the only place in Mumbai where large scale exhibitions can be held. The nearest competitor has only 25,000 square feet space Expansions awaited – NESCO is awaiting approvals to expand this to 1 million square feet of exhibition space Prohibitive cost of Land – While the cost of Land (part of 70 acre land back acquired in 1959 at throwaway prices) is low for NESCO, any new Entrant in Exhibition business will find it very difficult to acquire such a large land bank with similar logistics (on the highway and near the airport). And if it does manage, the cost will be prohibitive and strain the economics of the business – to be anywhere as competitive. Strong Client Relationships – Decades of strong relationships with Global exhibition majors like United Business Media (UBM), Reed Exhibitions, and Messe Frankfurt, and Messe Dusseldorf who prefer holding their India exhibitions at BEC. It will be very difficult for a new player to get these majors to switch and gain market share at the cost of BEC.

Interesting Viewpoints.

Market Value of Land – NESCO has 70 acres of land in Goregaon, on the Western Express Highway and in close proximity to the Airport. At 40 Cr per acre, this translates to 2800 Cr, or Rs 1987, a share Market Value of IT Buildings – with IT Building III (660,000 sq feet leasable space) completed, the total leasable space for the 3 buildings come to 960,000 sq feet. At 12000/- per sq feet rates for Goregaon office complexes, this works out to 1152 Cr, or.

Rs 817, a share IT Building III – IT Building III has 660,000 sq feet space ready that could be leased out in FY13. At Rs 80 per sq feet per month, this might bring in additional revenues of.

63 Cr on an annual basis. Most of it would add straight to the bottomline Oshiwara Railway Station – This new railway station was proposed to come up between Jogeshwari and Goregaon railway stations, right behind the NESCO complex. This project cancelled in 2010 due to delays seems to have been revived again in May 2011. When completed this would allow easy accessibility to NESCO’s BEC and IT Park projects complex may provide a big boost.


Donald Francis : No Holdings in the Company;

Ador Fontech.


Ador Fontech, an associate company of Ador Welding (formerly Advani Oerlikon), was incorporated in August 1974, as Cosmics Fontech. It subsequently changed its name to Ador Fontech. In 1992, it acquired Fist India (P) Ltd and Kostech India Pvt Ltd. These companies were subsequently merged with the company. The company was listed on BSE in 1995.

Ador Fontech focuses on preventive maintenance and repair of industrial machinery, which is a niche segment requiring specialised skills. It offers products and solutions for reclamation welding and recycling of vital machinery components. The company operates 2 manufacturing plants in Peenya, Bangalore and a Reclamation Service Center in MIDC, Nagpur.

Ador exclusively represents many reclamation and surfacing product/solution partners such as Sulzer Metco, Alloy Steel International, Dellero Stellite, EWM, Microtherm, Protector, Cepro, CEA, Gasflux, York and Euromate products in India.

Main Products/Segments.

The company’s product basket includes filler wires, welding equipment/accessories, wire feeders, wearplates and cladded pipes. Apart from manufacturing these products, Ador Fontech also acts as a value-added reseller for Alloy Steel International, Australia; Berkenhoff, Germany; CEA, Italy; Cepro, Netherlands; Degussa, Germany; Euromate, Netherlands; Gasflux, US; Protector, Australia/Singapore; and Sulzer Metco, Swiss /US, Bedra and Woka, Germany for their products in India. It also offers a high temperature process for maintenance products from Aremco, US.

Main Markets/Customers.

Ador Fontech supplies products and services to almost all the core sectors and several engineering industries. The focus of its activities is to provide metal joining, reclamation welding and surfacing solutions for improving, updating and reworking parts so that they equal or exceed the useful life of the original part.

Its major customer base includes mining industries, steel and other metallurgical complexes, power plants, railways, road transport workshops, shipping industries, sugar mills, cement plants, fertilizer and chemical plants, oil drilling and refining sector, defence units and a number of engineering industries.

Bullish Viewpoints.

Consistent Growth – Sales have grown at a steady 5yr CAGR of 16% plus to reach.

150 Cr in FY11 from about 80 Crs in FY07 . But Net profits have galloped away at a 5yr CAGr of over 37%. This has been possible on the back of consistent improved performance by the company in last 2 years. Big Margin Improvements – The track record on the Margins front has been spectacular. Operating margins were.

12% in FY07 and has now climbed to over 18% in FY11. And Net Margins have almost doubled going upto over 12% in FY11 from.

6.5% in FY07 Debt Free – This is one of those rare completely debt-free companies! Free Cash Flows – The company generates very healthy free cash flows. Capex requirements have always been mimimal for the company - between 1-3 Cr. In FY11 the company has made the largest investment in Capex in bolstering its Service centre in Nagpur again completely from cash flows generated. FY11 Cash flow/Sales was at 3.5% while traditionally it has hovered between 7-11% of Sales Good Dividend Payouts – The company maintains a dividend payout ratio between 20-35% in the last 5 years till FY11. The company used to maintain a much higher dividend payout ratio in the earlier years Duopoly – The Repair & refurbishment market for Industrial machinery is dominated by mainly 2 players. Ador Fontech and the unlisted EWAC Alloys. Players like Esab and Ador Welding (a group company) cater mainly to the Fabrication market who do nopt have the expertise to cater to the Repair & Refurbishment market (specialised knowhow, specialised metallurgical skills, specialised alloys and welding equipments) Huge Investment in Reclamation Service Centre – This Nagpur facility has seen huge capital investment of Rs. 12 Cr plus in FY11. The whoile set-up has been modernised and recreated, with new facilities added. As per the company the capacity to service is now 4x what existed hitherto. Promoter share going up – Promoter share in the company has been going up steadily in the company in the last 5 years from abbout 24% to about 35% in FY11.

Bearish Viewpoints.

Sales growth is muted – This has been the main objection against Ador Fontech so far that Sales growth is not in the same league as other small companies of similar size. It did not seem capable of growing Sales at more than 15% CAGR Margin Growths cannot compensate forever – While expanding margins have taken care of the relatively poor Sales growth, this picture may not be sustainable, if the company does not find a way to accelerate Sales. Exclusive relationships at risk _ The bulk of company’s sales comes through consumables sales for many of its exclusive distributor relationships. This poses a significant risk. Some of these majors do have India presence and may decide to enter the Indian market for consumables by themselves. Keeping pace with technology improvements – This is a niche technology field requiring one to keep abreast with Advances in Metallurgy and Alloys and Refurbishing equipment. Keeping pace with the same and moving up the value chain may require increasing investments from the company.

Barriers to entry.

Niche Segment – This is a highly specialised field requiring years of experience in the preventive maintenance and repair of industrial machinery. An ever-growing knowledge on metallurgy and wear phenomena coupled with a broad range of product/solutions to wear-related problems is needed to effectively service the industrial customer base. Very few players in organised sector. Only known competitor is EWAC Alloys Limited, a joint venture of the Larsen & Toubro, India & the Messer Eutectic Castolin Group, Germany. Long-Term Customer relationships – Customer relationships are built over years here. Industrial machinery serviced many times are mission-critical in nature and customers are reluctant/wary of changing service providers. Exclusive Reclamation & Surfacing Product Relationships – Access to specialised solutions is restricted. Ador Fontech has invested and built-up these relationships over the lat 25 years and more. It enjoys exclusivity with some 12 major reclamation and surfacing product partners. Industrial Certifications – A number of certifications are necessary before one can participate in industrial scale reclamation projects.

Interesting Viewpoints.

Improving Operating Margins – This consistent upward trend in operating margins is worth noting, as the company has moved from over 11% OPM in FY07 to over 18% in FY11, step by step in the last 5 years. Unlisted competitors like EWAC reportedly enjoy OPMs in the 24-25% range. Reclamation Services Center enjoys superior margins – Located at Nagpur, this facility has been continuously expanding its capacity of taking up customer-specific and heavy duty reclamation jobs. State-of-the-art welding and metal spray processes are used to repair, reclaim and rebuild vital machinery parts for thermal power stations, cement plants, mining, steel and several other core industries. The capacity has been augmented 4x in FY11 by incurring Capex of over 12 Cr. This seems a significant bet taken by a normally conservative company. Industrial Growth in India – Long Term growth in Power, Mining, Shipping and other Industries in India augurs well for Ador Fontech.


Donald Francis : No Holdings in the Company;

Indag Rubber.


Indag Rubber Limited (IRL) was incorporated in July 1978 as a joint venture between Khemka group and M/S Bandag Incorporated, USA, one of the biggest players in the US retreading industry. The company was listed on the Bombay stock Exchange in 1984. In 2006, the above joint venture was terminated with Bandag’s 38.3% shareholding taken over by the Khemka Group.

Manufacturing plant is at Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) with a capacity of 13,800 MT for tread rubber, 1,800 MT for rubber strip gums and 300 KL for rubber cement. The company had one other plant at Bhiwadi (Rajasthan), which is shut since 2006.

Main Products/Segments.

The company manufactures precured tread rubber, un-vulcanized rubber strip gum, universal spray cement and tyre envelopes for the tyre retreading industry.

Close to 90% of the company’s revenue is generated from the sale of precured tread rubber.

Main Markets/Customers.

Indag Rubber caters largely to LCVs and Trucks & Buses segments.

Midas Treads, Vamshi Rubber, Elgi Rubber International, MRF Ltd, JK Tyres and Indag Rubber are the significant players in the organized sector. These players supply their tread material to unorganised players who retread tyres.

Retreading is a process in which a new tread is applied on top of worn out tyres. In the precured retreading process, a precured tread strip is applied to the surface with a thin layer of bonding gum. Indag Rubber sells its products through its own depots/franchisees (C&F agents) appointed all over the country while the actual retreading operation is carried out by the retreaders. This apart, it also routes its sales to State Transport Units on a Tender-ed basis. Nearly 10-15% of Sales comes from this lower-margin tender business.

The company has.

25 depots pan India, which sell to retreaders. Some of these depots are owned and operated by Indag Rubber while the rest are operated by franchisees.

Bullish Viewpoints.

Decent growth record – In the last 5 years Indag Rubber has clocked a 25% plus CAGR in Sales. Sales touched.

150 Cr in FY2011 from.

60 Cr in FY07. Profits have grown along similar lines with a.

26% CAGR growing from 4.2 Cr in FY07 to 10.75 Cr in FY11. In the same period book value has compounded by over 35% CAGR growing to.

44 Cr in FY11from.

13 cr. Superior Margins & Returns – Indag Rubber enjoys industry beating margins and returns. RoE and RoCE have generally been in the 25%-30% plus range beating competitors by a wide margin. Similarly operating margins have been in the 12-15% range. FY11 was an aberration year for Indag as it had to pass on price hikes as high as 30% to partially offset the abnormal hikes in raw material prices, suffering volume and margin pressures. This was impacted further with tax free status changing to a 22% tax rate in FY11. To its credit H1FY12 has seen margins climbing back and volume growth kicking in. Strong Balance Sheet – Indag Rubber has a robust balance sheet. Debt has been progressively brought down from.

13 Cr in FY07 to about.

7 cr in FY11, with debt-to-equity ratio standing at a low 0.16 in FY11. For the last 3 years Indag has only been securing working capital requirements through loans from Banks, not needing any Term Loans. Capex requirements between.

2-6 Crs have been funded through internal accruals. Strong Free Cash Flows – Indag has been generating stronger free cash flows over the last 5 years recording a CAGR of over 54% . Free Cash Flow has increased from.

0.57 Cr in FY07 to about 3.22 Cr in FY11. FY10 was the only exception when the company decided to go in for aggressive expansion in order to take advantage of tax and duty exemptions valid till 2015. With no expansions needed/foreseen in next 2-3 years, the company will is set to continue generating free cash for some years. Robust recent financial performance – The first half of FY12 has seen Indag clocking an excellent growth track. While Q1 had seen a 33% sales growth with a 90% Net Profit growth, Q2 results have made everyone sit up and notice the exemplary 51% growth in sales and a 135% growth in Net Profits! Margins have been helped along by the softening in raw material (natural rubber) seen in Recent months. Good dividend payouts – Starting in 2008, the company has been gradually increasing dividend payouts. Dividend per share has increased from Rs 2 to Rs 4 per share with dividend payouts increasing from.

20% in FY11. Attractive Valuations – at CMP of 140, the stock is quoting at <7x trailing and <5x 1 year forward. Dividend Yield at.

Bearish Viewpoints.

Limited presence outside North India: The company’s limited presence in alternative growth belts of Southern and Western India can be a limiting factor in the company’s growth attempts. Some of the companys competitors are better entrenched in these markets – por exemplo. Midas, Vamshi Rubber and MRF in the Southern belt. Competição Intensa & # 8211; The retreading sector is highly fragmented reportedly with over 10,000 players in the unorganised sector and.

6 players in the organized sector. Midas Treads, Vamshi Rubber, Elgi Rubber International, MRF Ltd, JK Tyres and Indag Rubber are the significant players in the organized sector. These players supply their tread material to unorganised players who retread tyres. Nearly 70% share of the total retread industry (hot and cold) is accounted for by the unorganised sector. Cheaper Chinese Imports – Cheaper Chinese tyres are a source of competitive challange to the Retread industry, especially in times of slowdown in economic activity. In 2007-08, this shift from retreading to buy cheaper Chinese tyres had garnered lot of momentum. However with the government imposing a duty on Chinese tyre imports and customer experience with low product quality has meant these have lost much of the sheen. Demand for quality retreads from players like Indag is expected to remain firm. Lower-Margin State Transport Retreading business: Sales to State Transport Undertakings (STU) account for a significant 15% of the company’s sales. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Uttar Prradesh and Himachal Pradesh are some of the states where IRL has significant salesto STUs. Tender based competitive bidding can erode margins, if the proportion of STU sales increase. Low Capacity utilization: Historically capacity utilisation has been low. FY06 had seen a capacity utilisation of only 42%, which has only gradually moved up. Only once in the last 5 years has capacity utilisation touched 60%. The FY2010 expansion to 13800 MT capacity from.

9000 MT capacity again has meant utilisation falling below 60% to.

56% levels. However this should be seen in the context of availing tax exemptions on the entire exempted capacity completed by FY2010 for the next 5 years. This also means that IRL can scale up production with demand as needed, without incurring any significant capex for the next 2 years or so. Volatility in raw material prices: Raw material constitutes between 70-75% of Sales. Natural and synthetic rubber account for 60-70% of raw material, both of which are vulnerable to global supply and demand, and crude movement. To its credit, Indag Rubber has been seen to be able to pass on the price increase to its customers, with a lag effect.

Barriers to entry.

Strong distribution network – Indag has set up a strong distribution network over the years in its stronghold northern and eastern markets. And slowly expanding its presence in the Southern and Western belts. It has 25 depots and some 350 strong franchisee retreader network. Strong State Transport Undertaking business – The company sells its products to State Transport Undertakings (STUs) via a tender system. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh are some of the states where IRL has significant sales to STUs. Sales to STUs have been increasing, now accounting for.

15% of the company’s total sales.

Interesting Viewpoints.

Land at Bhiwadi, Rajasthan: IRL’s Bhiwadi plant located near Alwar in Rajasthan is shut since 2006 when the Himachal Pradesh (HP) plant went on-stream. All workers at Bhiwadi have been relieved. The Plant & Machinery has been shifted to the HP plant and there are no plans of restarting this plant. The possible sale of this land or putting it to alternative use could unlock value going forward though the timing of this is uncertain at this point. Ability to pass on price increases – With severe spikes in Natural rubber prices seen in FY11, Indag Rubber was forced to effect a 30% hike in retread prices. The company could manage a 34% hike in sales revenues with margiunal erosion in profits. This is testimony to the company’s ability to pass on price increases and protecting profitability to that extent. ICRA has upgraded the rating of Rs.14.50 crore fund based facilities of Indag Rubber Limited (IRL)† from [ICRA] A (pronounced ICRA A) to [ICRA] A+ (pronounced ICRA A plus) rating on long term scale. The rating has been assigned a stable outlook. Stake sale by promoters: Promoters presently hold 77% stake in the company. As per SEBI regulations, they will have to bring down their stake to 75% by March 2013. This could create some uncertainty and consequently have an impact on the share price.


Donald Francis : No Holdings in the Company;


Incorporated in 1986, Atul Auto is a leading manufacturer of 3-wheeler commercial vehicles based out of Gujarat. Passenger auto rickshaws (3-6 seaters), pick-up vans and delivery vans (diesel, cng and lpg) are manufactured in a large number of variants.

Atul Auto’s Manufacturing plant situated at Shapar, 18 Kms. away from Rajkot has a production capacity of 24000 vehicle per annum on single shift basis. It is equipped with CNC machines, fabrication shop, high quality paint shop and test house. Atul auto’s R&D center is based in Pune.

Atul Auto has wind turbine generators of 1.25 MW capacity at Village Soda, near Jaisalmer, Rajasthan and another of 0.6 MW at Village Gandhavi, Jamnagar Gujarat.

Main Products/Segments.

The Rear-Engine 3-wheeler Atul Gem is its fastest growing platform comprising.

57% of Sales in FY11. The front-engine 3-wheeler Atul Shakti is the other main platform bringing up.

42% of Sales in FY11. Atul Smart is a new brand of front-engine 3-wheeler launched in FY11.

Main Markets/Customers.

Autorickshaw operators, transport operators and Corporates.

Bullish Viewpoints.

Growing 3-wheeler segment – This is a segment that has many growth drivers going for it. The government’s focus on road infrastructure development, restriction of heavy vehicles in the city, and the growing rural economy are important growth triggers. Over the years, Atul Auto has developed itself as a one-stop source for all 3-wheeler needs. It has made it’s versatile platform highly customizable to suit almost every kind of need and budget. Impressive Growth - In FY11 Atul Auto registered a 68% growth in Sales and over 107% growth in Net Profits. 1QFY12 has seen the growth momentum continuing with both Sales and Net Profits registering.

56-60% growths. The company has guided for 40% growth in sales for FY12. Reducing Debt – Debt is down to just 6 Cr in FY11 from.

23 Cr in FY10. That such stupendous growth is being achieved while reducing debt is heartening to note. Debt-to-Equity stands at just 0.15. With the ongoing rights issue proceeds, the company intends to repay its term loans and become a DEBT-FREE company in the near future, as per its 2011 Annual Report . Reducing Working Capital requirements – Working Capital/Sales reduced to an astonishing 3.38% in FY11 as compared top.

15% of Sales in FY10. This is achieved on the back of increasing dealer advances and is a positive trend. Increasing Cash Flows – Atul Auto has been increasing its cash flows handsomely in recent years. Cash flows from Operations grew to 16.72 Cr in FY11 from 9.58 Cr in FY10. With Bulk of the Capex undertaken in FY07-09 (

8 Cr each year), the company has been registering good levels of free cash flows. Capex requirements for existing platforms looks to be easily funded from current cash generation levels. Increasing Dealer Network – With a current market share of less than 3% of total 3-wheeler market in India, Atul Auto is striving to increase its distribution reach beyond Gujarat. The company is expanding its presence in Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra while entering new markets such as Kerala, Karnataka, Bihar and Assam. Export Foray – Atul Auto Ltd has started exports in Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, Tanzania and some other African countries. It has also recently introduced Atul Gem Diesel & CNG variants in Bangladesh. Exports touched 3.2 Cr in FY11. Expansion Plans – Atul Auto has been actively exploring expansion plans. It is in the fray to acquire the ailing Scooters India Ltd which also manufacturers front-engine 3-wheelers. It is also actively looking for technology partners for manufacturing 4-wheeler LCVs. Strong sales in Q2FY12- Atul Auto Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has recorded total Sales of 6794 Vehicles in the quarter of July - September 2011, as against 4814 Vehicles of July-September 2010 Quarter, or a 41% growth in number of vehicles sold. This is on the back of the.

60% sales growth registered in Q1FY12. Increasing dividends & yield – The company has consistently increased dividends in the last 2 years leading to a 5yr dividend CAGR of over 44%. At CMP of 98, the dividend yield is 3.27% (post rights capital basis).

Bearish Viewpoints.

Heavily dependent on Suppliers – Atul Auto sources its engines from Greaves Cotton. Although this has been a long-term relationship, this complete dependence on one supplier can be a big risk. Aggressive expansion plans – Although nothing concrete has yet been announced but the company’s expansion plans are a source of concern – whether it is acquiring the ailing Scooters India or investing into greenfield 4-wheeler LCV manufacturing, a much more competitive and technology intensive segment. There are big execution and market risks associated. Litigations against the Company – 67 cases of litigation is filed against the company totaling 12.83 Cr. Of this 11.17 Cr is against one case filed by Lombardini, Italy with whom the company had entered a technical collaboration in 2006. To be fair, the company itself has filed a litigation against Lombardini for 43.08 Cr. The company had suffered heavy damages and had to recall and replace eventually some 8500 engines by 2009, due to this ill-fated venture.

Barriers to entry.

Entrenched Players – The 3-wheeler market is dominated by entrenched players like Bajaj and Piaggio. Setting up manufacturing and a country-wide dealer network from scratch is an uphill task for new players.

Interesting Viewpoints.

Strong Dealer Advances – As on 31st March, 2011 the company has 3.37 Cr as advances from dealers against 36 lacs in the previous year. This reflects good acceptance of Atul’s products in the market and is a very positive development for the company. If sustained, this could be key to reduced working capital needs of the company. Rear-Engine 3 wheeler growth – India is pre-dominantly a Rear Engine 3-wheeler market. Atul had started with Front-Engine technology (Atul Shakti) and introduced rear-engine 3 wheelers in 2007-08 in collaboration with Lombardi which faced trouble with the engines (Read this case study for a great backgrounder on the company). These problems seem to have been bested and the rear-engine 3-wheeler Atul Gem (recorded a 144% growth in Sales in FY11.


Donald Francis : Less than 5% of Portfolio in the Company; Holding for more than 2 years.

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